Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Figuring out our new blog

Hi everyone! Friends, family, whoever else happens along the way! I believe I have successfully figured out how to create a blog. I have never once used a blog but I thought it's be a great way to let people know of our happenings a little more than in our once-a-month prayer updates. I know it will take me a while to figure this out...and actually I might have Joel take a look at it - he's the computer guy, you see.

Anyways as of right now, Joel and I are looking forward to a relaxing Thanksgiving back to Rome, NY and a visit with my parents and little brother (who by the way is graduating college this spring and is therefore NOT so little anymore!). I'm hoping to stay healthy along the trip and get some sense of energy back as we have some chances to relax back home for the week. For those of you who don't know, I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have caught every sickness that's drifted along through campus since the morning sickness started a few weeks ago. As you can imagine, I'm looking forward to more rest.

Well I guess that will do it for me now! We are so grateful for everything the Lord Jesus has blessed us with; including all you fine friends and family, and a place to spend Thanksgiving! Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving from New Hampshire!

In His Grip,